There are five cinematic romances that compare to @azxure and mine. Mickey and Mallory Knox (You know, the only thing that kills the demon… is love.), Jessica and Roger Rabbit (He makes me laugh.), Clarence and Alabama Worley (I mean, she… she a four alarm fire or what?), Gomez and Mortician Addams (I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.), and now Wade Wilson and Vanessa Carlyle (Your crazy matches my crazy.). All of them pale in the light that is our love. Happy Valentine’s Day to my beautiful wife, the love of my life, the woman who makes it worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning. #happyvalentinesday #mickeyandmalloryknox #jessicaandrogerrabbit #clarenceandalabamaworley #gomezandmorticiaaddams #wadewilsonandvanessa #naturalbornkillers #whoframedrogerrabbit #trueromance #theaddamsfamily #deadpool #twuewuv