Cover of Unholy Passions, an upcoming collection of four novellas by Brian Barr, Michael Fisher, Joel Kaplan and Jeff O’Brien, inspired by the music of Samhain #EpicFishTales #horrorpunk #Samhain #horror #UnholyPassions

Cover of Unholy Passions, an upcoming collection of four novellas by Brian Barr, Michael Fisher, Joel Kaplan and Jeff O'Brien, inspired by the music of Samhain #EpicFishTales #horrorpunk #Samhain #horror #UnholyPassions Content from Fish
Cover of Unholy Passions, an upcoming collection of four novellas by Brian Barr, Michael Fisher, Joel Kaplan and Jeff O’Brien, inspired by the music of Samhain #EpicFishTales #horrorpunk #Samhain #horror #UnholyPassions